Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Disseminating best practice through a web log

Much literature exists regarding web blogs and its efficacy regarding online education. Many blogs contain discussions, pictures, and interactive activities. As stated in the article, Disseminating best practice through a web log, a blog is a combination of the words “web log” (Price, 2010). Referring to a blog as a diary like posts on a web page. These posts are typically updated frequently with short passages of information, thoughts, and discussions. Blogs can be viewed by anyone on the Internet, and in most cases many people follow a blog at one time (Price, 2010).
Blogs are often selected at mediums for the capability to be free with words, personal, and provide the readers with insight to the blogger’s thoughts and views. Price states two distinctive ways blogs are used, personal like diaries and professional learning. As stated previously, the diary style is more individualized and sometimes more private specific events and situations prevalent in their lives. The professional blog use can spotlight on specific specialized topics, discussions, case studies, and practices (Price, 2010).

When considering a Blog one must consider including the following:
*Case Studies
* Posts with title, date, pictures, excerpts, and thoughts
* Conclusion
(Price, 2010)

As stated at greater length in the Bill Price’s article, Disseminating best practice through a web log, blogs are a great and successful way to improve practice in healthcare. Personal and professional ideas, facts, and information, are also common finds on sites. Blog’s popularity is growing in all societies, whether in educational facilities, healthcare systems, clubs, sororities, hobbyists, and even sports

Price, B. (2010). Disseminating best practice through a Web log. Nursing
, 24(29), 35-40. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text

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