Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tips for when your patient has a Shoulder Dystocia:

Use the HELPERR Acronym
1. Call for Help
2. Consider an Episiotomy
3. Lower Head of bead
(elevate legs--> McRobert's Manuever
4. Provide suprapubic Pressure
5. Enter internal rotation (provider)
6. Relieve the arm (provider)
7. Rotate the patient to side-lying
(Curtis, Guillien, 2009)

This figure demonstrates Nurse's role during a vaginal delivery with a shoulder dystocia and is performed while using the algorithm below:

Curtis, K., & Guillien, L. (2009). Shoulder dystocia drills: how one unit prepares for potential obstetric emergencies. Nursing for Women's Health, 13(1), 65-69. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.

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