Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The following online book is great for us RNs in Labor and Delivery. We are always hearing Evidence Based Practice, well... this is it! Check out the chapters of your interest, then look up the article to print the book for your own resource! Very informative!

LABOR AND DELIVERY NURSING: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice

Table of Contents

About the Authors ii
Acknowledgments ix
Preface xi
Chapter 1 Communication, Advocacy, and the Chain of Command 1
Chapter 2 Patient Assessment 17
Chapter 3 Phases and Stages of Labor 45
Chapter 4 Pain Management 75
Chapter 5 Positions for Labor and Birth 99
Chapter 6 Passenger, Placenta, and Cord 109
Chapter 7 Passageway 137
Chapter 8 Presentation, Station, and Position 153
Chapter 9 Powers of Labor: Stimulation and Hyperstimulation 171
Chapter 10 Psyche, Spirituality, and the Cultural Dimensions of Care 195
Glossary 207
Appendix A Abbreviations 217
Appendix B Abbreviations to Avoid in Documentation 223
Appendix C Orientation to Labor and Delivery 225
Appendix D Sample Orientation Skills Checklist 227
Appendix E Orientation Log Chart 233
Index 235

Murray, M. L., & Huelsmann, G.M. (2009). Labor and Delivery Nursging: A Guide to
Evidence-Based Practice. Retrieved

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